Add SalesMail video to Knock AI Email responses for maximum impact!

Add SalesMail video to Knock AI Email responses for maximum impact!

Knock AI Email enables properties to configure personalized, automated recommendations based on what prospects mention when they reach out.  These automated recommendations become exponentially more impactful when SalesMail videos are embedded in the personalized responses!  Imagine being a prospective resident on an apartment search and reaching out to three communities.  While two of the communities reply with a generic text email response, one of those communities responds with a warm, personal, and relevant video message.  Which one will stand out from the crowd?  

It is very easy to add SalesMail videos to your Knock AI Templates for responses to the types of inquiries in the list below.  Simply record a generic, but personal-feeling SalesMail video for the topic you want to respond to, such as request to schedule a tour.  In the SalesMail Portal, go to 'My Results' and click the envelope next to the video you want to add to your AI Email in Knock Admin.  Click 'Share via CRM'.  Then create or edit your Knock AI Template, (click here for the Knock Help Center article on AI Email setup) click in the body of the email message, and right click or press CTRL+V to paste the SalesMail template into the message.  That's it!   Scroll down for tips on how to record a video that is generic, but FEELS personal.  

  • Availability - Email asking about a properties availability.

  • Schedule a Tour - Email asking to schedule a tour

  • Pricing Inquiry - email asking how much a certain room costs

  • Application (how to) - Email asking how to apply

  • Pet Policy - Emails asking about the property’s pet policy

  • Parking - Emails asking about parking at the property

  • Utilities - Emails asking about what utilities are included at the property

  • Laundry - Emails asking about Washer dryers on site/in unit.

  • Generic Amenities - Emails asking about mail rooms, gyms, etc.

  • Section 8 - Emails asking if the property accepts vouchers, low income assistance, etc.

Recording Tips to Make a Generic Video Feel Personal

1.  Look straight into camera when recording.

2.  Do not read from a script!  You can't look at the camera and make a video feel casual and personal if you are reading from a script or repeating some memorized message.  Think of it more like recording a video voicemail where you are just talking to someone.  It doesn't have to be perfect and small mistakes actually make the video feel more genuine and relatable.  

3.  Pretend like you are talking to one person.  It even helps to imagine a particular person you are talking to while you record!  

4.  Use the word, "you"
  1.  "It has been so long since I've seen you!"
  2. "I wanted to check in and see how you are doing".
  3. "When I found out we had this special, I thought of you immediately."
3.  Smile and be friendly!  The most engaging and seemingly personal videos (even when they are generic) are when the person recording the video is friendly and energetic, like they just ran into someone they care about who they haven't seen in a long time. 

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