Why won't my selfie stick (bluetooth remote) start my SalesMail video recording when using an iPhone?

Why won't my selfie stick (bluetooth remote) start my SalesMail video recording when using an iPhone?

If you have a Bluetooth/wireless selfie stick, you might be able to use it to start your video recording in SalesMail.  If it isn't working, make sure you don't have the volume on your phone turned up all the way.  If it is, just turn down the volume a bit and retry starting a SalesMail recording. 

Also, please note that before you use the selfie stick button to start recording a video, first press the record button to get to the preview screen and then use your selfie stick to position your camera appropriately and click the selfie stick button or remote to begin recording.

If it still doesn't work, please submit a support ticket and let us know the specific type of selfie stick you are using so we can try to resolve the issue.
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