SalesMail Knock Integration

SalesMail Knock Integration

SalesMail is a certified RealPage App Partner.

There are two ways Knock users can send SalesMail videos and have it documented as an activity in Knock.  Since most organizations require all emails and texts to prospects to be sent through Knock CRM, the first method below is the most commonly used.

1. Using the SalesMail Desktop portal (

  1. Create an email draft in Knock.  
  2. When you are ready to paste a SalesMail into that email draft, log into the SalesMail Desktop Portal using the same credentials you use for the SalesMail mobile app. 
  3. Go to 'My Results' (or 'My Videos') and click the green mail icon to the right of the video you want to share.  This will bring you to the Share page.
  4. Click the  'Share via Knock' (or 'Share via CRM') button to copy your SalesMail video and then paste into the email draft in Knock.   

2. Using the SalesMail mobile app:

If your organization allows emails and texts to be sent to prospects from outside of Knock CRM (e.g. Microsoft Outlook, text messaging from a cell phone, etc.), the SalesMail mobile app Knock CRM bidirectional integration is an option.  Clients who have the SalesMail Knock bidirectional integration set up can use the CRM button at the bottom of their SalesMail mobile app to search for a prospect in Knock, send them a new or Favorite SalesMail video with their email/phone number automatically populated in the email or text, and enjoy the time-saving convenience of having a completed activity automatically written back into the prospects guest card in Knock.  If you do not have this integration yet and want it, reach out to your Client Success Specialist.  

  • Click the CRM icon at the bottom of your SalesMail app.

  • Search* for the prospect and choose one from the results.

  • Select a favorite SalesMail or record a new video.

  • When you share via text or email, the phone number or email address will be prepopulated with that of your selected prospect.
  • An activity will be written into the guest card in Knock to document your SalesMail video outreach. 

*Searching for an influencer or prospect requires you to search using the prospect's email or phone number.  Knock does not allow for first name or last name searches.  

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