QR Pro - How to create and edit QR codes

QR Pro - How to create and edit QR codes

QR Pro enables you to set up and track QR codes that launch a SalesMail video, a URL, or a draft text or email message when someone scans them.  After you design a code, you will be able to download an image file of it to add to print materials such as marketing collateral, signs, stickers, businesses cards, vehicle stickers, etc., or even to digital signage. 

QR Pro is found in the SalesMail Desktop Portal.  Use your computer to navigate to https://portal.mysalesmail.com and log in with your work email address the same password you use for the SalesMail mobile app.  

How to create a new dynamic QR code (used to open a SalesMail video or URL of your choice)

1. After logging into the SalesMail Desktop Portal, click the 'QR Pro' menu item on the left.
2. Click the green button with the plus sign at the upper right to create a new QR code.
3. Give your code a name that will help easily identify it and click 'Next'.   Example: "Direct Mailer Nov 23 Greenwood Community" or "Business Card"
4. Choose the type of QR code you will be setting up.  The default is "View a SalesMail" but you can also change it to "Open a URL", "Send a text message" or "Send an email".  Instructions to set up text or email QR codes are in the next section.  If you choose "Open a URL", skip to step 6.
5. Find the SalesMail video you want to share by using the filter, sorting, and paging options in the table (hint - it is easier to find videos if you always give them a name and/or save them as a favorite after recording).  If your video has a name, you can search for it using the filter field at the top left of the table.  You can also use the drop down menu (circled in blue in the screenshot below) to change the table to only show your Favorites, show team members' videos, or all of your SalesMail videos (default).  Please note that only admin or corporate users will have the option to select team members' videos.  Corporate users can also use the light green drop down menu at the very upper right to select videos from one of the communities they have access to.

You can preview a video to make sure it is the right one by clicking on the video thumbnail.  Once you find the correct video, click the checkmark in the right hand column next to the video.  A confirmation screen will come up and if the video is correct, click 'Next' or else click 'Choose another video' and try again.  Skip to step 7.
6. Enter the URL to navigate to when your QR code is scanned and then hit 'Next'.
7. By default, we provide a QR design that matches your brand. You may click 'Save and Download' to use the default design, or use the QR Style, foreground, corner, and background sections to create a custom design.  Go to the "How to create a custom design" section below for detailed instructions on how to create a custom design.  Important:  Always remember to use your mobile device's camera to test your QR code before you download the file and use it.  If your camera can't recognize the QR code, make sure the foreground and background colors have enough contrast and try again.

How to create a new static QR code (used to launch a draft text or email)

1. After logging into the SalesMail Desktop Portal, click the 'QR Pro' menu item on the left.
2. Click the green button with the plus sign at the upper right to create a new QR code.
3. Give your code a name that will help easily identify it and click 'Next'.   Example: "Opt-in for text messages" or "Email me for info"
4. Choose the type of static QR code you will be setting up - either "Send a text message" or "Send an email".  

5. Enter the phone or email address the message should go, and the content of the message to include when someone scans your QR code and then hits send.  Then hit Next. 

6. Click 'Save and Download'.
7. Choose a file type (when in doubt, select .png) to download the QR code image to your machine.  Then you can add that image to whatever poster, sticker, decal, etc. you want to print it on!

How to create a custom design for your QR code

When you set up a QR code, QR Pro provides a basic design that matches your brand, to download and use without doing any additional work. It is quick and easy. But if you need a custom design for your code, here is how to do it.

You will get to the screen similar to the one above when you are setting up a new QR code, or if you are editing an existing code and click on 'Design Your QR Code'.  There are four design sections - QR Style, Foreground Options, Corner Options, and Background Options.

The QR Style section allows you to select the shape of your QR code - either square or circle.  You can also adjust the margin space around the edges, or add an optional center logo file.  Center logos must be .png files.  Here is an example where I added a .png of a SalesMail play button to the center of my QR code.  


How to edit a QR code
How to track scans