NEW: Clone & Share your videos for independent tracking/stats

NEW: Clone & Share your videos for independent tracking/stats

Coming soon!

Do you want to have a better idea of who is watching your videos - especially your reusable favorites? 

Use the new Clone & Share feature to clone a SalesMail video, creating a new instance of your video with a new video name (include your recipient's name in it!) with independent tracking and statistics.  For example, you might clone your favorite Apartment Tour video and call it Jackie Smith Apartment Tour and send it to Jackie.  When Jackie watches it, you will receive a push notification and an item on your Activity page showing a view on your Jackie Smith Apartment Tour video.  It will be easier than ever to identify your hot leads/prospects!

How to Clone & Share in the SalesMail mobile app or the SalesMail Portal
1. From the Videos page, click the share button next to the video you want to clone.  
2. Click the 'Clone & Share' button.
3. Edit the new video name to include the name of who you are sending it to so the video is easy to recognize in your push notifications and Activity feed.  Hit Save.
4. Share your new video!  
5. Your new video will show up in your videos list and will have independent stats and tracking.