Adding SalesMail Video to Knock Admin Email Auto Responders

Adding SalesMail Video to Knock Admin Email Auto Responders

Adding a SalesMail video to your auto-responder drives higher click through rates and helps you stand out from the competition (see related article - Does your inquiry response look like this?)  A video message is a warm way to introduce the team, the community, or to share something memorable about the community to begin building a connection between you, your community, and the prospect.  Additionally, when someone watches the video they can easily tap/click to call the community or click a custom Call To Action button to schedule a tour, and your sales team will receive a push notification on their phone so they know they have a hot lead!

How to add video to your Auto Responders in Knock Admin

1.    From the Admin dashboard, select Templates, then select Auto Responders, then Create New Template.

2.    Add the template name such as “<property name> Email with SalesMail”, enter the text of the response in the body of the message, and then hit the Source button to begin adding the SalesMail video to the message.

3.    After you hit the Source button, you will see the source HTML for your message.  You are going to insert some additional HTML to add your SalesMail video to your email.  Go to step 4 for instructions on how to get the HTML for your SalesMail video.

4.    Log into SalesMail at and navigate to the Results page (or Team Results if you are going to use another team member’s video).


5.    Find the video you want to use and click the green envelope next to it.  Hint:  Have your team name their auto-responder SalesMail videos with a standard naming convention such as “<community name> auto-responder” so they are easy to find.

6.    On the Share page, click the dot-dot-dot menu and choose the “Full Template” (includes logo, branding, animated gif) or the  “Gif only template” (includes gif only).

7.    Click the ‘Copy Limited HTML’ button.


8.    Go back to Admin and click in the body of the html source editor after the code that is already in there, and then “paste” (CTRL + V or right click and paste) the SalesMail template. 

It will then look something like this:

9.    Hit ‘OK’ to save the html source and go back to the email editor.  Make any additional modifications to your message and click ‘Save’ when you are done. 


10. Repeat these steps for each property for which you want to add a SalesMail video to their email auto-responder.

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